Past Events

Future of Living – School Hackathon

27th March 2024, 8.00am – 5.00pm

In the not-so-distant future, our homes will be more than four walls and a roof, they will be dynamic, sustainable, and tailored to our individual needs. You, as the next generation of young innovators, are invited to participate in the The Future of Living Hackathon.

St. Gregory’s College School Cluster Hackathon

2nd December 2024, 8.00am – 5.00pm

Join us for the Co-Creation Hack Event sponsored by Vuvale where you will collaborate with passionate people and industry experts to reimagine the concept of Shared Living in Australia and beyond to empower people to live their best lives.

Past Event 3

Thursday 7 November, 9.00am – 5.00pm

Write a description for the event here. Try to keep it no more than 130 words / 900 characters but if you really need more space the section can still expand automatically. Morbi aliquam nulla ut ligula porttitor auctor. Pellentesque eu vestibulum lacus. Praesent bibendum nisi lorem, feugiat bibendum eros dapibus egestas. Suspendisse et lorem velit. Fusce bibendum malesuada lacus ac imperdiet. Nullam nec rutrum nisi. Nunc ex justo, aliquam et ipsum nec, ultrices laoreet mi. Nulla at nulla vehicula, hendrerit mauris eu, pellentesque enim. Fusce placerat arcu vel dolor ultrices congue. Donec eget consequat tellus, euismod lacinia lectus. Aliquam dictum quam ac ante maximus finibus. Mauris ut massa euismod, mollis ipsum a, pretium nibh. Aliquam at iaculis velit. Duis quis lacus viverra, egestas nisl quis, volutpat quam. Morbi blandit rhoncus erat, sit amet molevie.